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Hot Tubs Help with Arthritis and Joint Pain


Do you or a loved one suffer from arthritis? Spending time inside of a hot tub may be able to help manage joint pain and other symptoms of arthritis.

Inside this article, our experts at Wellness Shop will take a closer look at just how hot tub hydrotherapy can help ease arthritis.

About Arthritis in Canada

According to the Arthritis Society of Canada, arthritis is the third most common chronic condition reported by adults in Canada and the single most common chronic condition in Canadian women. Caused by a number of factors, swelling and rubbing in the joints is extremely painful.

The study also reports that a significant increase in the number of arthritis sufferers will occur as our ageing population grows from 4.6 million in 2011 to an estimated 7.5 million individuals over the age of 65 by 2036.

The same study has indicated that arthritis and joint pain can lead to other serious health problems including poor mental health (increased mood disorders and anxiety), an increase in stress as well as other chronic conditions.

Many of these individuals also report more hospital visits, lessened ability to participate in activities or work, and suffer from significant pain.

In most cases, arthritic pain is treated with over-the-counter medications and prescription drugs, but there may be a natural and enjoyable way of relieving this pain.

Using a Hot Tub to Mitigate Symptoms of Arthritis

A recent study from Lund University in Sweden has demonstrated the positive effect of hydrotherapy on relieving joint pain.

The study has concluded that “immersion in warm water reduces the load on painful joints” and that “thanks to the effects of temperature and pressure on nerve endings and muscle relaxation, pain may be relieved, which may facilitate mobilizing and strengthening of affected joints and muscles”.

The participants in the study described that “the water [had] a direct impact on well-being and relaxation and enabled them to perform movements that were normally impossible.”

What Exactly Is the Science Behind Immersion In Hot Water And a Reduction in Joint Pain?

When you enter a pool of water, your body immediately becomes buoyant. You feel lighter and feel less pressure on your joints, which in itself reduces pain. The warm water and light massage also increase blood flow throughout the body, feeding your tight joints and muscles.

The warmth also helps to loosen your tissues, allowing them to relax. The combination of these functions can alleviate pain and provide freedom of movement.

In addition, hydrotherapy jets in a Jacuzzi® Hot Tub can be additionally beneficial to loosen muscles and joints and increase blood flow to these areas.

The jets in many Jacuzzi® Hot Tub models have been designed to target particular muscle groups and joints in the body. The patented design of these hot tub jets creates a 50/50 air-water mix, allowing for a gentle but firm massage to the affected areas.

A 20 to 30-minute soak in a Jacuzzi® Hot Tub filled with warm water and equipped with properly designed and placed hydrotherapy jets is a natural and effective option to reduce joint pain.

This natural pain relief option can be repeated with multiple treatments per day if necessary without any overdose or side effects.

Wellness Shop

For more information, contact your local Wellness Shop dealership today. We have hot tub stores in the following Southern Ontario locations:

For more helpful information about hot tubs, all season pools and infrared saunas, visit our blog and online learning centre today.


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